Which apple is more beneficial for patients with mental illness?

ایک درمیانے سائز کے سبز سیب میں لال سیب کے مدمقابل 6 گرام شوگر کم پائی جاتی ہے، فوٹو: فائل
Red apple counterpart in a medium size green apple contains 6 grams of sugar
New York: By the way fruits and vegetables are excellent for health, but their types depend on each other by their specific nutrition or property.

The same is very useful for health with fruit apple that is healthy in all respects, but which apples of red (gala) and green (gene) apples are more useful for diabetes? It is important to know about sugar patients.

Also read: There are no 2 types of diabetes, experts
The difference between red (gala) and green (granular) apples

Green apple, also known as raw apple, contains sugar in the lower than the red apple. 17 grams in a medium size green apple, when medium size red (gala) apples contain 23 grams of sugar. In this case, green apples prove to be more beneficial for Red-Controlled Diabetes patients.

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