Research on Hart Transplant, Honor of US $ 40 million for the Pakistani doctor

ڈاکٹر فیصل اپنے ساتھی ڈاکٹر جیفری مورگن کے ساتھ مل کر ہارٹ ٹرانسپلانٹ پر جدید تحقیق کریں گے،فوٹو:فائل
Dr. Faisal will co-ordinate research with his fellow doctor Jeffrey Morgan on the latest transition, 

Texas: A Pakistani scientist based in America, Dr Faisal Cheema, has been given the honor of funding $ 40 million for the latest research in heart penetration.

Dr. Faisal Cheema, and his colleague Dr. Jeffrey Morgan will investigate the human rights utility and worthy of use to increase the number of thousands of patients who have been trained by the Texas Heart Institute and Belar College of Medicine. Heart transplant leads to death due to heart failure and delay in management.

These relief funds will be spent by researching Dr. Faisal and Dr. Jeffrey-funded human organs including liver, lungs, kidneys and heart in the useful condition and discover new ways for their diagnosis.
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Dr. Faisal Cheema is related to Hafizabad area of ​​Punjab. He obtained the initial education from Crescent Model School and then studied in Government College Lahore, after which he moved to Karachi where he graduated from Agha Khan University and then went abroad for higher education.

He also received training from Colombia University, University of California, University of California, University of California, University of California, University of Maryland, University of Maryland. At present, he is performing faculty members as well as at the College of Medicine and Texas Heart Institute in Houston.

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