Patients with diabetes are exposed to kidney diseases, experts

KARACHI: Medical experts said that kidneys are very important as a human body, but women should take care of them when pregnancy can be a major cause of kidney disease.
Medical experts address the kidneys' global day program in the Indian hospital, Shaykh Saeed Memorial campus, almost half of the patients of diabetes get kidney diseases, so patients should be diagnosed with kidney patients, patient patients use At least On this occasion, the health of the kidney test test conducted tests and also test blood tests and BMI patients.
Dr Fehr Barari, Dr. Khalid Anwar, Dr. Shaukat Memon, Dr. Fehad Naseem, Dr. Aisha Wali, Dr. Hussainina, Salma Siddique and others addressing that women are more likely to be affected by Kidney Kidneys (CKD) than men. This disease affects 10% of the adult adolescents and is one of the top 20 diseases that cause death around the world, around 195 million women worldwide suffer from these diseases, and almost 6 million women suffer from death. 130 patients of dye lesz have been registered in the Indus Hospital, while 400 dyees are reported each week, There is also a container's renal therapy therapy dye lace machine in the nodes hospital, which is especially used in nature's disease.
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