It is possible to keep an eye on food items by installing a censor tooth

Med Ford: Scientists have succeeded in making censors that will be able to learn the habits of eating and drinking habits and eating food.
To determine the quantity of food, keeping balanced food and then recording a calorie eating daily, is a difficult thing for which one has to endure the diet, sometimes there are different kinds of tastes. Calculator is visible but scientists have now discovered a simple and simple solution to this complicated problem.
Scientists invent 2 × 2 mm censorship in Tuffets University of Engineering, located in Medford. These sensors can be installed directly to the teeth, which are attached to a non-wire device. These censorships have the ability to send information about food ingredients such as salt, sugar, alcoholic and other parts to mobile.
Scientists say that with the help of these senses, the complete data for eating habits of food can be preserved, the quantity of salt, sugar, alcohol, etc. can be collected throughout the day, with which patients with their own help to drink food Ability to change the habits and quantities that can help in treating diabetes, heart disease and other diseases.
These censorship consists of three-thirds, one wave absorb food ingredients, while other layers consist of gold medal plate two-thirds work like antenna, from food ingredients. Related information is available as a radio waves and send forward. These censors change their color as they receive various nutrients.
Scientists say that after the success of these censors, censorship will be developed which will be able to feel and nourish other nutrients besides salt, thanksgiving and alcohol, thus curing all the food through censorship. It will be possible to collect component data.
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